Your business should have a Blog. It needs a blog. You know this. But you only have some many hours in the day. And you have so many other items on your to do list. So many things that are demanding your attention. Your email is pinging. Your staff have queries. Your suppliers have queries. You have existing customers to service.

But you also need to find new customers – and blogging can (and should) be an important part of this. I just want to share below some of the times that a blog post can help with marketing and managing your business.

Awareness – Blog posts are great for building awareness about your business – allowing people to know that you exist and what it is you offer (products, services but more importantly benefits to your business.) If you write a blog post you can share it on social media channels. If you write a blog post it should help with search engine optimisation.

Education – I can’t remember who said it, I think I heard it in a podcast but this content really resonated with me. Give away everything (the information), charge for the execution. With so much information available online, and so many competitors out there, you need to make sure you are educating your clients. This builds your brand and builds your trust.

Evaluation – Effective blogging helps with your customers evaluate between you and between your competitors. If you’re the one that provides your clients and prospects with the best content, then you are the one that is most likely to get a sale.

Customer Service – Blog posts aren’t just for new prospects. They’re also useful for existing customers. You can run through different aspects of your products and services – write blog posts related to common questions you get from your customer. That way if someone asks you something you can point them towards your website.

Gets More Customers – When I say “get more customers” I mean this in two ways. If you create content with a call to action (all content should have a call to action – for example “give us your email in exchange for Lead Magnet X) you may convert more site visitors to your website. Some prospects won’t convert but if some of them download your lead magnet you can follow up with further content and increase your percentage of sales later on. Further, you should create content that you encourage your existing clients to share – that way you night find it easier to get referrals.  

As you can see, creating blog posts for your business is incredibly important and incredibly valuable. If you want to create more blog posts, but you aren’t sure where to start, then perhaps we can help. We have created a free eBook about crafting a blog post. Please fill in the form below if you want to get a copy of the eBook.